Research Department
Information about projects submitted to government by department:
- A Study of Social Status of Dhobi Community in Maharashtra State regarding Untouchability. (1996)
- Social, Economic and Educational Status of Pardhi Community - Survey Report. (2014)
- Report of Khatik caste. (2015).
- A realistic analytical study of Manual Scavenging in India (2016)
- Social, Economic and Educational Survey of Mang Garudi Community in Pune District. (2016)
- A Study of Social, Economic and Educational Status of Gatai Charmakar Community in Aurangabad and Nashik Districts. (2017)
- Social, Economic and Educational Survey of Madiga Community. (2019)
- Social, Economic, Educational, Anthropological study of Kaikadi Community in order to include Kaikadi community in Scheduled Caste in the entire state as it is existing for Vidarbh region by removing the area restriction (2019)
- Social, Economic, Educational Status of Holar Society. (2020)
- Survey of amenities in settlements with more than 50% Scheduled caste population. (2020)
- Social, Economic, Educational Survey of Gosavi Caste. (2021)
- Survey of Social, Economic and Educational Status of Mang Garudi Community of Rahatenagar Nagpur.(2022)
- A pilot survey regarding Benchmarking of Social, Economic and Educational Development of 59 Scheduled castes in Maharashtra state. ( 2023)
Ongoing Research Projects:
- To study Social, Economic and Educational status of Mehatar-Walmiki, Wadar, Beda Jangam, Budga Jangam
- Study of Bangali Namoshudra Community for inclusion in list of Scheduled Caste of Maharashtra
- To counduct research study on matang parishad organized undar the leadership of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedker
- To conduct research on Socio, Economic and Educational status of Dakkalwar Community.
- To conduct Historical research on Sahityaratna Annabhau Sathe, KrantiveerLahuji Salve and krantiagrani Mukta Salve.
- Action Research Study of Atrocities Against Dalits in Maharashtra with Special Focus on Dharashiv, Latur, Solapur District
- Yellamvar, Yellamvandlu (sc) ,Yalam/Yelam/Yallam(obc ) and Yelmar caste Social, cultural, historical and anthropological aspects of caste - A comparative study
- To conduct a study on inclusion of Dhiwar (Dimar) caste in schedule Caste in Maharashtra.